Sunday, September 11, 2011

Inspiration: Examples for "Portrait of a Place" Assignments

Here are a few by former 312 students:

Here's one by Spike Lee:

Here is the short doc about the barber that I mentioned in class:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Visit this link (won't work in our sidebar)

Blogger and tumblr don't seem to like each other.

So please visit: to see Xavier's inspiring things.

Please and thank you.

These are a few of my inspiring things...

My favorite photographers:

Brian B+ Coleman

View more of his portfolio here

Erin Patrice O'Brien

These portraits are from a collection on teenage Moms in New York.

Lately I have been a little bit obsessed with capturing people and places in silhouette. Here are a couple that I found that inspire me (at least today, I like them).