Our next unit moves us into the process of "digital storytelling." Yes it's storytelling using digital media, but there are particular frameworks and aims for this medium.
Digital Storytelling is the practice of using digital media (computer-based technology tools) to tell stories.
Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. Tell your story now digitally. - Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association
For our own practices, will be studying and creating digital stories inspired by Joe Lambert and his Berkeley based Center for Digital Storytelling (CDC).
Here are their "Values and Principles".
For this week's assignment, you will be watching digital stories from CDC and other digital storytelling initiatives. Consider what you think makes a story good. Think about kinds of stories folks tell (here's a launching point: iRoom Stories), browse the list of links (below), and you can even do your own online searches for sites / sources.
This week view digital stories, considering the CONTEXT, CONTENT and FORM of each story.
Post links to TWO of your favorite digital stories.
For each digital story, post an image (suggested: take image screensjpts), and LINK to the original piece.
For each write a short reflection (about 125-250 words) for each piece you've selected.
1- the context [where the story was created, or anything you know about the maker, if there is text that tells you info posted with the video, where it was created (workshop)]
2- the content [what the story is about, theme, thesis, moral...]
3- the form of the piece [what forms of media used, how the piece is edited, etc]
4 - why this is a "good" story (read: why/how this piece engages you, draws you in, why you like it...)
Post your two favorites on your blog, by 9am on Tuesday, Feb 16th.
Digital Story Links:
Other Links
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