Ten Things About Me.
1. Already I am swamped this semester. But if I am not busy, please be worried about me. I am very excited for all the upcoming amphitheater shoots that we have on our schedule.
2. I LOVE my job. We are so much TCFeffin fun that I can hardly stand it.

4. I also am TEAM JACOB.

5. My favorite book is The Prisoner's Wife by asha bandele.
6. My favorite woman behind the camera is Ellen Kuras, ASC but I love anyone who works behind the camera.

7. If my high school self could date a movie character it would definitely be Lloyd Dobler.

8. If my 20 year old self was a movie character, I'd be Star from Lost Boys. (People used to mistake me for Jami Gertz when I was younger and thinner LOL)

9. I know a lot about hip-hop through 2005 I'd say, maybe too much. Some even consider me a hip-hop pioneer as the first woman to make a film about women in hip hop. Here's the Japanese version of the DVD:

10. I have two kids and if you spend any time around our offices, you'll certain see (or hear) them. They LOVE my students. Here's my daughter Tiana (left) when she first learned to paint at an event I co-founded:

... and now she LOVES country music and wants to be a country singer. (Guess kids naturally rebel against their parents. I love rap so of course she loves country, right?)... that's life. Makes for interesting car radio battles... Anyhow...
I'm really excited for this class... here we go!
1. Already I am swamped this semester. But if I am not busy, please be worried about me. I am very excited for all the upcoming amphitheater shoots that we have on our schedule.
2. I LOVE my job. We are so much TCFeffin fun that I can hardly stand it.

4. I also am TEAM JACOB.

5. My favorite book is The Prisoner's Wife by asha bandele.
6. My favorite woman behind the camera is Ellen Kuras, ASC but I love anyone who works behind the camera.

7. If my high school self could date a movie character it would definitely be Lloyd Dobler.

8. If my 20 year old self was a movie character, I'd be Star from Lost Boys. (People used to mistake me for Jami Gertz when I was younger and thinner LOL)

9. I know a lot about hip-hop through 2005 I'd say, maybe too much. Some even consider me a hip-hop pioneer as the first woman to make a film about women in hip hop. Here's the Japanese version of the DVD:

10. I have two kids and if you spend any time around our offices, you'll certain see (or hear) them. They LOVE my students. Here's my daughter Tiana (left) when she first learned to paint at an event I co-founded:

... and now she LOVES country music and wants to be a country singer. (Guess kids naturally rebel against their parents. I love rap so of course she loves country, right?)... that's life. Makes for interesting car radio battles... Anyhow...
I'm really excited for this class... here we go!
you wanted to date Lloyd Dobbler and I wanted to be him. funny how the world works lol! That movie makes me wanna learn how to kick box "sport of the future!"